Quiz Night

Map Unavailable

Date(s) - 04/Oct/2019
7:00 pm - 10:30 pm


Quiz Night

The ever-popular Sandbag Quiz Night will be held “at the usual venue” on Friday 4th October. Action is required for booking and registration, so please respond ASAP. Details are as follows:
Registration before 16:00 on 2nd October.

Required for all those attending the quiz and access to venue.

Fish and Chips by pre-order only

Event Costs:

Quiz: SGD 10.00 pp

Fish & Chips: SGD 25.00 pp

Chips Only: SGD10.00 pp

All profits go to the Royal British Legion



– Doors Open: 18:30

– Fish & Chips: 19:30

– Quiz starts: 20:00

Please contact: [email protected] or [email protected] for registration and booking.

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