Sandbag Annual Christmas Dinner

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Date(s) - 01/Dec/2018
7:00 pm - 11:30 pm

Eden Hall


Sandbag Christmas Celebration at Eden Hall Saturday 1st December 2018

Commemorating the First Christmas Home after the Great War 1918.

100 years since the end of the Great War 1914-1918, Sandbag will take you back to Christmas 1918, welcoming in the first Christmas home with a period themed reception and dinner including the music, atmosphere, and the celebration that followed the victory and the end of WW1.

On receipt of the completed form the following pricing is in place:

  • August 2018 – enrolled members: S$180.00 per person (including partners)
  • 1st-30th September 2018 – enrolled members: S$200.00 per person (including partners)
  • October/ to November 2018 – enrolled members: S$220.00 per person (including partners)
  • All other Guests (if not SANDBAG Members) S$250.00 per person

Dress Code (Please do make the effort to research and meet the theme!):

Mess Dress – Medals: Serving ranks

Gentlemen: Black Tie – Medals/1918 Evening Attire

Ladies: Evening gown /1918 Evening Dress



TT to funds to:

BANK: HSBC Singapore

Account: 144-303047-060

Name of Account: David John Hug

With your name as the reference

Manual booking form here:  Sandbag Christmas Celebration at Eden Hall Saturday 1st December 2018 fill

Please return the form to:

Charlotte Sutcliffe

19 Pepys Road,07-01 Pepys Hill

Singapore 118450

email address:  [email protected]