Trafalgar Dinner

Trafalgar Dinner
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Date(s) - 25/Oct/2013
7:00 pm

Aberdeen Boat Club


Warning Order – Save the date notice for the Battle of Trafalgar Irregulars Dinner 2013. 

trafalgarnightdinnerThis year’s dinner will take place on:
Friday 25th October 2013 at 1900
The Bridge and the Harbour Room
Aberdeen Boat Club
Hong Kong
Rig: Black Tie, Miniature Medals
Cost: HK$750
RSVP – [email protected]A few notes…
Please book early (i.e.put it in your diary now) for what promises to be great evening of fine food; plentiful wine; the Immortal Memory; copious port; appalling mess singing accompanied by Ian Carmichael’s squeeze-box, drummer and his fiddling Royal Marine; possible good company and survivors’ short cab ride to Wan Chai.
As some of you will have surmised it makes the organiser’s life a lot easier if you help by spreading the word amongst other serving and retired service persons from UK forces, US Forces, Allied Forces, NATO and any country you feel happy to sit down and have dinner with, and ask them to reply through you or directly with their wish to attend. Some service contacts are listed below if you need more info. I’ll send out a confirmation note to those attending at the start of October.
The submarine service will be running the event as normal (just as well as no-one else ever volunteers and we are far the most organised) but if you feel that any other service/corps/etc. should be recognised and wishes to take up some part of the evening then, please let us know. This year we will be supporting The Poppy Appeal, The Mission to Seaman and the HMS Alliance Appeal. 
Submariners/RN/RAN/RCN                                  David Tait            (Secretary)             [email protected]
NATO and other forces                                        James McGowan   (President)            [email protected]
NASA, Fleet Air Arm, RAF, other aviators              Steve Tait             (Vice President)     [email protected]
British and Commonwealth Armies                       Graham Price        (Choir Master)       [email protected]
Hong Kong Police/other spooks                            Toby Bull              (Treasurer)            [email protected]